Eye Diseases and Common Eye Problems

Common Eye Problems

Glaucoma- Damage to the optic nerve which is typically caused by abnormal pressure inside your eye, although there can be other reasons too. Glaucoma is among the leading causes of blindness in the United States.

Macular Degeneration- There are two types of macular degeneration: dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration is more common. This disorder causes sight loss in the center of your field of vision.

Keratitis- Keratitis is a rare but serious eye problem when a type of amoeba invades the cornea. Often these come from contaminated water (be careful where you swim). Poor contact lens hygiene can also cause this eye infection which can threaten your eyesight.

Amblyopia- Lazy eye is a condition in which one eye dominates the other. Amblyopia usually develops in young children. It can lead to permanent eyesight problems if not treated early.

Blepharitis- This is an inflammation of the eyelids. Blepharitis is one of those eye problems that sometimes results from a low grade bacterial infection or a skin disorder. It can cause chronic eye irritation, tearing, and crusty debris. It can also make you fell as if you have a foreign body in your eye.

Cataracts- This occurs when protein in the lend of your eye clumps and causes cloudy vision. Cataracts happen mostly in the elderly, and can be corrected with surgery in which the natural lens is replaces with and artificial one.

Color Blindness- This condition is characterized by an inability to distinguish color differences. Color blindness is usually inherited but may also occur because of eye, nerve, or brain damage, or exposure to certain chemicals.

Corneal Ulcer- A corneal ulcer is an open sore on the cornea that’s also known as ulcerative keratitis. It’s commonly called an eye sore. It may be caused by injury, dryness due to lack of tear production, or infection.

Detached Retina- The retina is the light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball. Sometimes it peels away from its underlying layer of support tissue. A detached retina is a serious eye problem that requires quick attention. Symptoms include flashes of light and floating spots.

Dry Eye – There area number of conditions that can cause dry eye syndrome. Usually this occurs when tear-flow system of the eye is out of balance. However, it can also be caused by environmental factors.

Occlusions- Some people call these “eye strokes.” A clot or blockage interrupts blood flow to part of the eye, causing sudden vision damage.

Eye Twitching (Tic)- There are many possible causes. Twitching and tics may also be called “eye spasms” of “ blinking disorder.”

Eye Floaters and Spots- Eye floaters are generally harmless and occur in many people over the age of 40. Eye floaters cause tiny blurry spots in your field of vision.

Macular Hole- This often happens in the elderly and people with diabetes. Vision suddenly becomes blurry or distorted.

Ocular Migraine- This is a common but incorrectly used term for ophthalmic migraine. Usually painless by frightening because if gives you the sensation of looking through shattered glass.

Optic Neuritis and Optic Neuropathy- This in an inflammation of the optic nerve that can cause pain, blurry vision and blind spots. It may develop in an hour, or over the course of several hours.

Photophobia- This is better known as light sensitivity. It’s often caused by eye damage like a corneal abrasion or when the pupil can’t constrict normally and too much light is let in.

Strabismus- This is more commonly called “crossed eyes.”

Eye Stye- An eye stye is an eye infection that resembles a sore, pimple or boil that grows in the skin surrounding the eye.

Subconjunctival Hemmorhage- This eye problem results from a broken blood vessel of the white part of the eye. The eye suddenly becomes reddened.

Conjunctivitis- Is an infection that’s widely known as “pink eye.”